Wednesday, 5 August 2015

A letter from Izzy the iPod by Vanessa

434 Electricity Street
Mt Cracked 4444

7 May 2015

Dear Vanessa 

HEY I’M NOT VERY HAPPY. LISTEN HERE MATE! You have dropped me from the gate! Broken the corner of my screen! Also forgotten me!! I am just writing to tell you that you have stopped using me. I'm very lonely, sad, as well as very very angry.

You can see under my screen and I'm very hurt and disgusted. I’m also very angry, I don't like my battery to be dead for a long time and I am covered in dust.

You used to play on me all the time but now you don’t. You left me to sit in the fruit bowl all cracked and broken with all the fruit flies zipping around me. I’m also covered in dust and it is very annoying.

Why can't you get me fixed? Then we can get a new high score on Jelly Jump, post something on Instagram and look after your virtual family. Come and play on me again and fix my screen…

Have you ever been able to see your flesh and had four cracked bones all the way down your body? Well it really hurts. 

Remember all the fun times we had before? We used to travel to places together and take the best pictures. Come and play with me and we can be best friends again. I am begging you please, please come back and charge me up and fix my screen.
From your broken friend, Izzy the ipod.

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