Thursday, 13 March 2014

Basic facts

In Room 7 every afternoon we do basic facts that takes 3 to 5 minutes. There are 3 different types of Basic facts. The one you start with is 3 minutes and goes from 0 to 12 times tables.To pass you need to get 50/50. There are 12 sheets you have to do before you go to basic facts 5 minutes. For basic facts 5 minutes you have to answer 100 questions in 5 minutes. To pass you need to get 95/100 or above. There are 9 stages before you go to Basic facts Gold. Gold is the hardest stage with 100 questions that are +, -, x and division and you have to answer them in 5 minutes.There are 5 sheets you have to finish.  After you finished Gold you do the whole 5 minute basic facts but in 3 minutes with still 100 questions. After you completed 3 minutes you get a fancy certificate and don't have to do anything during it.In this photo Eleanor.C and Bianca.A are on basic facts stage 3 and Talia.J is on basic facts gold stage 1. Everyone else is on 3 minutes.


  1. Great work learning your basic facts Room 7. This will be very useful for you as you move to Intermediate school.
    Keep up the great work

  2. Basic facts is really fun!!! If I were you then I would be wanting to do it every 3 minutes.
    I agree with Mrs Hammond, basic facts will very much come in handy with intermediate.
    Keep up the great work room 7.

  3. doing basic facts is so much fun . its so awesome waiting for the results

  4. basic facts is so fun and I like it when I pass
