We have been learning to write Senses poems.
Here are a few that some of us made.
I smell the wet sand.
I hear the waves crashing into the sand.
I taste the freezing cold ice block.
I feel the soft sand.
I see the sand blowing in the wind.
I smell the cold and frosty air.
I hear the frozen leaves crunching under my feet.
I feel like I'm in a cold bath.
I see the snow piling up.
I taste the hot coco by the fire.
Rice Bubbles
It smells like sweet powder.
It sounds like popping candy.
It feels like hard grains.
It tastes like powder when you bite it.
It smells like baguettes wafting through the air.
It sounds like people speaking fancy french.
It feels like hard rock concrete under my feet .
It looks busy with people.
It tastes like lovely croissants.
Cotton Candy
It smells like sugar in one place.
It sounds like popping candy when it dissolves in my mouth.
It feels like a soft pillow.
It looks like a pink fluffy cloud.
It tastes like a sweet, sweet lollipop.