Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The first time I went to a funpack by Greer

The first time I went to a funpark
A crazy, awesome and sunny day in Australia. Today was the day my family and I was going to Movie World! I was so excited I could do 1 million cartwheels.

As we got to Movie World I was so happy! We got our wristbands on and began the fun. The first thing we did was put all of our stuff in the lockers then went to the arcade for 10 minutes and I won a Cookie Monster head.
Later on, we went on the Scooby Doo ride and boy was I scared! When I actually went on it, I guess it was pretty fun especially wibbling and wobbling in the elevator then falling back.

Soon after that we thought we would go to the Log Flume, we were rocking side to side, getting wet and also getting our pictures taken while we were go down the really big slope.

Next we went on the Roller Coaster, we were speeding through the air as fast as a cheetah it was so fun I went on it again. The bad thing is I forgot what the Roller Coaster was called.

Movie World was fun. My favourite ride was the Scooby Doo ride I was really sad I had to leave and hopefully my family and I can do this again.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The first time I watched Doctor Who by Claudia

The first time I watched Doctor Who

A year or two ago, I had a breakthrough. I discovered something amazing. Well, my dad showed it to me, but hey. I watched my first episode of Doctor Who.

We were going to the DVD store. Little did I know, this trip was going to leave me as happy as a weeping angel in a paradox. My dad suggested that we rented the first couple of episodes of new Doctor Who. Dad, my brother and I watched the first episode later that night. We were hooked.

A year later my brother, Dad and I visited the Doctor Who museum and experience in Cardiff. The Doctor Who experience is where they take the audience through an episode of Doctor Who, where we are characters. After the experience was the Doctor Who museum. It had costumes, props, sonic screwdrivers, and more. The best part was they were all original! I bet I’ll be a collector when I grow up. I felt like Alice in Wonderland.

I’m a total whovian. I own lots of Doctor Who merchandise and I have visited the Doctor Who museum in Cardiff. I love Doctor Who.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The first time I went to school by Josie

The first time I…

The first time I went to school I was scared.I  felt like I was on a 10 storey building. Then I saw Lucca! Lucca was also new that year because her birthday is in July as well. I felt like God came to help me! After a few days I met Mia, Natalie, Vanessa and others. When I felt sad my sister would get one of my friends to take care of me.

After two weeks of school I broke my arm. It all started when I was on the monkey bars in the playground, I was with my sister and Lucca. We were swinging on the monkey bars then I fell down and my arm landed on the ground on the elbow bit. At first I thought that I was fine but then I burst into tears. I was in hospital for nearly a week. My favourite thing about the hospital was the food because you get jelly, toast, juice, sometimes they give you an ice block.

I got a blue cast but then it got wet in the bath, so I had to get a new one and this time I chose purple. Then when I was a year 3 I broke my arm again, in the exact same way by falling off the monkey bars. I told my mum I had a sore arm but she told me that I was fine. Now I have a scar around my right arm and I have two dots, one on each side because I had to have wires put in from my first broken arm. While I was in hospital my friends prayed for me, it made me happier. And now those friends are my BEST friends!

Friday, 19 June 2015

The first time I made a friend by Carson

The first time I made a friend

When I was about two I started kindergarten.When I got there I was squeezing my mum’s hand so hard she said I was hurting her.  The sky was as grey as stone and it looked like it was going to rain. I was all alone. Then I found a friend and I said. “hi are you alone? Because I am also alone.” But then the teachers called us into the class and we started the day.

At lunch the boy came to me and said, “do you want to play with me?”. Then I asked him, “what’s your name?” He said, “Cameron.” That day I made my best friend!

When I got home my mum and dad asked, “how was your day?” I said, “awesome! I made a new friend and his name is Cameron.”

He was two also. We’ve been best friends ever since.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

First time I ate a mussel by Natalie

First time I ate a mussel

The first time ate a mussel it did not go very well. I was at my bach going for a walk around the sharp rocks that were covered in oysters. At the end of the walk Mum and Dad saw my great aunt Janet at her bach.

We started to walk over and then we heard my dog Ted barking from upstairs of our bach. We said that we would come back after we had had a little rest and read. We would come down for a drink and dinner/barbecue.

We went up and Ted was very happy to see us so we gave him some dinner and had a little rest as we said we would. After about an hour we decided to go down to the beach. My great aunt and uncle were ready with the barbecue but guess what they had gone mussel hunting earlier that day and then when the tide was out they had gone pipi hunting.

I thought the mussel looked quite nice at first but boy was I wrong. The mussel turned out to be absolutely gross, it tasted like somebody had poured a whole container of salt onto the mussel. It was so slimy but it was chewy as well. When I first chewed my tummy felt like it had gone on a rollercoaster ten times after eating a ten layered ice cream. In fact the next day I threw up five times just because I ate that absolutely disgusting mussel.

That is the story of the first time ate a disgusting mussel. It was also the story of why I am never going to eat a mussel until I am around 22. Thank you for reading and I hope you learnt something about mussels (that they are disgusting).

Friday, 12 June 2015

The cat that went splat by Lucca

The cat that went splat
SPLAT!!!!! That is the sound of a cat that just tried to jump a 10 storey apartment and failed terribly and went SPLAT!!!!!!. I am going to tell you about that funny cat called Mya.

One sunny, beautiful, summer’s day a beautiful cat called Mya wanted to jump to the other side of her apartment, the problem was that her apartment  is 10 storeys high and about two meters long. That didn't stop Mya so she had a big run up and jumped! At first she thought that she was flying but…

... Sadly her big run up was not enough and she put her arms and legs out and went SPLAT on the concrete! Nobody knows what happened to Mya but  I think that was the end of Mya the beautiful cat. I feel sorry for Mya but if you ask me I think it is pretty funny.

Next time lets hope that Mya does not do something like that again and that cats think before they jump. Hopefully I will be there next time to catch her.

The End.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The very bad dog by Lucas

The very bad dog

It all started on a very windy Sunday. I drove to my cousins’ house and when I stepped in through the door the first thing I noticed was…  they had a new dog! So we all went inside and the dog started jumping up and licking me and my little sister.

We finally got down stairs and got welcomed by our cousins who told us the dog’s name was Nelson. Nelson was black, fluffy and very little. After that, me and my cousins went down another set of stairs and went outside. Outside we played fetch with a handball and went on the trampoline.

A while later we got pizza for lunch. So we all sat down outside and started eating but I needed to go to the bathroom. When I got back I saw Nelson with MY pizza in his mouth and I found out that he jumped up onto the table and started nibbling on it. I was so upset. So I took my pizza back and held him up in the air then he put his front paws together! So funny.

After that finally we were allowed dessert. And guess what? The same thing happened again but with some apple crumble. That dog Nelson was just so naughty. I felt like throwing him off the balcony. But I didn’t. I was not impressed with that little dog’s behavior.

In conclusion Nelson is a very naughty and playful puppy. And when I go back it is going to be worse because he will be bigger!  And more naughty.   

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Poor old Zaccy by Maggie

This is my story of how poor old Zaccy got a hook stuck in his mouth. It all started when me and my cousins went down to the beach to walk Zaccy the dog.

My cousins and I were down on the beach with Zaccy. There was a old man fishing and he was just pulling up his rod when Zac came running to the fish on the hook and ate it all up and you can guess what happened, he got the hook in his mouth!!

Me and Charlie came running up the beach to our bach to tell Charlie’s mum and dad. Then they came running down to poor old Zaccy. Next my dad came to see what the fuss was all about. luckily he had brought his tool kit that had lots of tools in it including tweezers so he got them out and started working on the little operation to get the hook out.

Meanwhile the old man was yelling at Harry my other cousin. He was being mean to Harry and said not very nice things about Zaccy to him.

Finally we got the hook out. We were all very happy that Zaccy was ok.  

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Jessica's naughty pet story

Meg’s first ice cream
One day 9 years ago, I was having my first ever ice cream. Yum chocolate, my favourite flavour. It was at my beach house in Whitianga.

When I had my first ever ice cream my parents were videoing it. I was eating my ice cream minding my own business when I showed my dog a yellow labrador named Meg my ice cream and guess what? She ate it.

I started crying. My Mum took me and comforted me. After that Meg looked very  pleased with chocolate ice cream all over her face, I definitely wasn't.   

Then 7 years later I watched the video on my birthday party with my friends. We all started laughing really hard because it was so funny. I might put it on youtube.  

By Jessica